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[[preprinted]] 116 [[/preprinted]] [[top margin]] Dominican Rep. 9 [[/top margin]] I wrote another letter to Ruth. Am told that Air Mail goes from here to Santo Domingo every day. It is a brand new service. After dinner Mr. Haines suggested we go to a movie. It was in Spanish, on a small screen, and rather tiring. I got to bed about ten o'clock and slept fairly well. Everyone uses mosquito bars here in the hotel, but they don't tuck in so I'm sure any mosquito wouldn't be fooled. However, the nights are cool and I haven't been bothered at all. [[margin]] IX-5-35 [[/margin]] Rode along the road to Porto Plata to [[margin]] J [[/margin]] [[underlined]] Station 32 [[/underlined]]. 10 miles north of Santiago de las Caballeros on the road to Pto. Plata. Just into the mountains of the [[strikethrough]] Sierr [[/strikethrough]] Cordillera Setentrional. The region is pretty well cultivated but I climbed a ridge that was wild. Tried [[margin]] I [[/margin]] sweeping and beating but got practically [[margin]] A [[/margin]] nothing. In a rotten branch stump on a large tree found [[circled, in pencil]] three [[/circled]] Staphs and several small myriapods. The large myriapod was on [[margin]] B [[/margin]] the ground under another tree. In excrement found two or three Staphs and one large white-tailed [[underlined]] Canthon [[/underlined]]. Burro dung yielded nothing. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 117 [[/preprinted]] [[margin]] J [[/margin]] After lunch rode out to [[underlined]] Station 33 [[/underlined]]. 3 miles west of Santiago on road to [[strikethrough]] Monte Cristi[[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] San Jose de las Matas [[/insertion]]. A large pasture, yam field, & bananas. [[ margin]] I A [[/margin] In [margin]] cow dung found quite a few [[insertion, in pencil]] (8) [[/insertion]] Staphs, a few Histerids, and several Sphaeridinis. Under dry piles a [[underlined]] Tetracha [[/underlined]] was common, and also a half-inch Carabid. [[margin]] J [[/margin]] I was interrupted several times by men coming up to see what I was doing. I showed them the brilliant [[underlined]] Tetrachas [[/underlined]] and then they'd leave. Finally the whole bunch came back, Father, two sons, and two others. One of the sons ^[[insertion]] (Luis [[Mainardi ?]]) [[/insertion]] spoke a little English. He said it was their pasture, and said they had some sort [[margin]] B [[/margin]] of bug in their potatoes. I went over and they dug up some yams that were heavily [[margin]] I J [[/margin]] infested with a little black and red weevil. I got a nice series of larvae, pupae, & images. [[margin]] C [[/margin]] Then they dug up a fine big tarantula. They were very much afraid of it and didn't want me to approach it. I put my boot toe on it and then eased it into a jar. It fills it pretty completely. Brought the fellow back into town. He wants me to take a trip with him later. They also got