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Dominican Rep. 11.

me a vial full of ticks from one of the cows. He said they cause "tropical fever."  Had supper again with Mr. Haines, and afterwards we walked up to the plaza and listened to a mediocre band until nearly ten o'clock.  It was evidently being broadcast, though over what station we couldn't guess.  The intermissions were as long as the selections. A small boy cranked a small magneto to signal the studio before each piece.
[[margin]] 1X-6-35 [[/margin//
Left at 730 on road to Janico. This was the best road I've been on (for five miles!)
[[underline]]Station 34. [[/underline]]
Along road near town of Janico, about 15 miles southwest of Santiago. Along the ridges of an old plateau or peneplain, dissected into a veritable badlands. Dung and flying. Collected only in horse manure. Found many of the white-tailed Canthon, a few [[underline]] Cercyons [[/underline]], and some Staphs, more species than usual. On the way home I had a flat
[[margin]] Photo #27[[/margin]]                         tire-rear. I couldn't lift the motor onto the stand, so I called to a man in a near-by field. I told him I couldn't speak Spanish, but he understood "motorcycleta" and a pantomime that I needed help to lift it. He came obligingly
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and together we just managed. It only took me about ten minutes then to switch the spare wheel in place. I got back to town in time to mend the tire myself. It was a bad puncture and I'm not very sure of my repair. I hope it is O.K.      (It
Mr. Haines received his long-awaited radiogram and left immediately. He took the blanket back to Mr. Barnes for me, and said he'd tell Ruth that I am O.K.  It will be much more lonesome here without him.
In afternoon I wrote Ruth, walked around the cemetery, bought some alcohol from the man who says he corresponds with the Philadelphia Museum, and cut my new map into strips and hinged them with adhesive tape. The temperature here is very queer. In the shade it was quite cool all day and not even very hot in the sun. Around seven it gets cooler still but by ten or eleven PM is begins to warm up. I was quite cool in a coat last night at seven, but a little warm in bed at ten-thirty. The warmest part of the day seems to be from six to [[strikethrough]] seven [[/strikethrough]] eight in the morning. Apparently the rainy season hasn't started here as it

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