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[[top margin]] Dominican Rep. 15 [[/ top margin]]

fourth floor of the hotel I can hear them on the street incessantly. It is a little annoying at times as they do it so much. It is impossible to ignore them when they are trying to get your attention. There are a large number of very nice looking people here, even in the country, which is much more than can be said for Haiti. I think that the whole standard of living is higher too. There are some very fine looking homes here, and Sto Domingo has some very nice residential districts. There are great preparations going on here at the hotel for the tourists that are to arrive tonight. There is to be a dinner dance at 8, but I think I'll eat ahead of them. I have no clothes and I don't like to wait that long anyway. Besides as Mr. Haines remarked, the tourists won't be interested in me and therefore I'm not likely to be interested in them. I hope they're a decent bunch and not rowdies. Each large town I've passed has a large plaza near the church or in the center of town. This is well supplied with large concrete benches, upon each of which is inscribed 
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some such legend as In Memory of John Doe, June 10, 1904. It seems to be a regular method of commemoration. Some of them appear to be merely donated by someone during his lifetime. That is, they're not memorials but [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] philanthropies, so to speak.

[[margin]][[underlined]] Photo #25 [[/underlined]][[/margin]] In afternoon rode out on road to Monte Christi.
[[underlined]] Station 35 [[/underlined]] 
About 5 miles northwest of Santiago on road to Mte. Christi (Carretera Duarte). A moderate sized stream in deep cut.
[[margin]] I  A [[/margin]] Searched for Staphs under rocks along the edge of water, throwing water onto the bank, but only found one (another escaped!). A few specimens of a 1/4-inch Carabid showed up, but there seemed to be nothing plentifully. In 
[[margin]] B [[/margin]] dung on the sand I found one Sphaeridium only. Three or four [[underlined]] Cicindela [[/underlined]] were taken on the sand. Nowhere in the vicinity could I find anything else under dung. No Staphs,- no Scarabs. As I came into the hotel, beneath the back step I found one of the nice Cerambycids which I found on the main staircase the evening I arrived here.