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[[preprinted] 126 [[/preprinted]]
[[top margin]] Dominican Rep. 19. [[/top margin]]

[[margin]] IX-9-35 [[/margin]] 
Ruth's birthday. I wrote her birthday letter [[margin]] J [[/margin]] several days ago, and left her present with Mr. Barnes. It was a package of stamps.
Left at 7 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] A.M. for San Jose de las Matas, and the road from there to San Juan. Arrived at the former and found it to be similar to Janico,- set in the foothills a short distance from the Gran Cordillera Central. Could find no trace of the other road, so had to come back. Collected only in dung at 
[[underlined]] Station 38 [[/underlined]].
Near San Jose de las Matas along road southwest of Santiago (20 miles s.w. of Santiago). Dung. [[margin]] I [[/margin]] Found less of the [[underlined]] Canthons [[/underlined]] but two of the smaller species. Staphs more abundant than usual.[[insertion, in pencil]] (48) [[/insertion]] 
[[margin]] J [[/margin]] Spent the afternoon with a siesta, writing letters and notes, and inquiring about roads from the clerk. The one to San Juan has not been completed yet, working from other end. Dinner took less time than usual though I seemed to eat more. I sat in the lobby till eight, and went to bed very early, as I felt sleepy. However, I tossed about till ten at least. Slept pretty well and woke up at six.
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[[preprinted]] 127 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] IX-10-35 [[/margin]]
[[underlined]] Station 39 [[/underlined]].
[[margin]] J [[/margin]] Santiago de los Caballeros, province de Santiago, Republica dominicana.
[[margin]] I [[/margin]]] Two Cerambycids flying in hotel. Also one Scarab found dead on the street.
[[margin]] J [[/margin]] This morning took road to Moca, then turned off to left on road to Jamao. This road is in very bad condition. It was originally paved with gravel and was reasonably well graded. Went nearly to top of pass.
[[underlined]] Station 40 [[/underlined]]. [[written in pencil]] Label Santiago [[/written in pencil]]
About 10 miles northeast of Moca on the [[margin]] I [[/margin]] road to Jamao. Sweeping and dung [[insertion and strikethrough]] (7) [[/insertion and strikethrough]]. Tried sweeping here along the road and on the hillside, with practically no results. Dung was scarce and specimens in it even more so. Finally got two of the white-tailed [[underlined]] Canthon [[/underlined]], several [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], two [[underlined]] Cercyon [[/underlined]], and half a dozen [[insertion, in pencil]] (7) [[/insertion]] small Staphs.
[[margin]] J [[/margin]]] This completes my collecting in this region. It has given poor results, and I'm afraid the reason is that I didn't go about it right. It is very difficult to get around here without speaking a little Spanish. I can barely ask my way about and am unable to inquire for trails or side roads.