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128  Dominican Rep. 21

IX-11-35 Wednesday.  Got started on return trip to Sto. Domingo at 8:[[underline]]30[[underline]].  Came through without incident until five miles from town when I ran out of gas.  After getting a can full from a truck, I ran out again about two miles farther.  Pushed the motor about three kilometers and then hailed a car from the aviation field.  He towed me to the filling station.  Arrived at Senior House about 1:[[underline]]30[[underline]].  Spent afternoon and evening reading old Liberties.  The political predictions are interesting.  No mail at either Legation or Consulate.

IX-12-35 Got a much-needed haircut for 20 cents!  W[[strikethrough]]h[[strikethrough]]ent to office of Lyke's Line Service to find out when Ruth's boat arrives.  Sunday morning early.  He'll let me know later.  Tried to order a white suit, but tailor was out.  Found another blueprint map which had been sent here for me from Foreign Office by Massimo L. Vasquez, Sub-Secretario de Estado de Relaciones Enteriores.  Mr. Gantenbein [[?]] of Legation lent me a copy of a book on the geology of the R.D. by Woodring, Vaughn, etc.  Spent the day chiefly reading and sitting around.  It seems like a long time till Sunday morning.  [[end page]]

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IX-13-25 Friday.  Went to Legation, where Mr. Gantenbein [[?]] found out for me that the only boats sailing next week (3 different lines) go on Tuesday.  So I asked him to get our permits to leave on the Bull Line boat on that day.  Went to see Mr. W.E. Pulliam, General Receiver of Customs, and presented my letter from Rowe.  He gave me a memo to the Inspector that boards the boat and I took it to the Aduano.  Pulliam has a home in [[superscript]]Monterey,[[superscript]] California, and once had ambitions to go to Stanford.  NO mail still.  Was told of a collection of insects belonging to a Mr. Kennison, having an office next to the Consulate.  Should talk with him.  Several people have recommended the country west of La Vega, near town of Jarabacoa.  Said to be one of the wildest parts of the island, with rank vegetation, and a passable road from La Vega.  DR. Gomez Menor, Dept. of Agriculture, Public Works Bldg., S.D. was recommended for information concerning collecting conditions.
The following summary is based on the introduction of "A Geol Reconnaisance of the Dom. Rep." by Vaughan, Cooke, Condit, Ross, Woodring, + Colkins.  Maximum depth between D.R. and Puerto Rico.

Transcription Notes:
Under section IX-12-35, the name "Massimo L. Vasquez" contains an accent on both letter "a"s, but I was unable to paste an accent into the text box.