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[[pencil]] Dominican Rep. 25. [[/pencil]]

Weather was setting in for an all-day rain, so I turned homeward about eleven. Found it had rained hard here and along most of the road since I left. More rains after lunch, so I read some  more of last year's Libertys! There isn't any wind here, so perhaps the Genevieve Lykes SS. ^[on] which Ruth is coming from Port-au-Prince, will have a smooth trip. Rain won't bother anyone.
[[margin]] IX-15-35 [[/margin]] Up at 5:30 to meet Ruth's boat. Was on my way down by 600 but feared I might be late, so I took a taxi. The boat, - Genevieve Lykes, Finally docked at 700. I went aboard and Ruth introduced me to the Captain and the two or three other passengers. Mr. Feeley, the Customs Inspector was there. I mistook him for Mr. Pulliam, but he didn't say anything. The immigration officers didn't even ask to see our passport and the Customs was as easy, - thanks to Mr. Feeley. We took a taxi and sent the trunk etc. by cart. I was very hungry, but Ruth was not, but we were in time for breakfast. Spent the morning unpacking and talking. after lunch the chauffeur came to ask if we wanted to make the trip

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to Seibo. On Wednesday I had told the boy at the Consulate to send a chauffeur on Sunday. He had come Wed. afternoon and I had told him to come back Sunday. Ruth felt like going, so we told him to be here at 9 A.M. for an all day trip. A few minutes later another driver came in, and proved to be the one that had come on Wednesday. He was the one we intended to go with, so we told him to come at 9 also. He arrived [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] first in the morning. [[strikethrough]] Before [[/strikethrough]] After supper the Lewis's invited us to town for some ice cream. It was fairly good custard.
[[margin]] IX-16-35 [[/margin]] At 9 A.M. the chauffeur arrived, but Ruth didn't feel like going. The first one was very nice and would accept no tip. The other made out that he had spent money on gas and oil and we would have to go. After much argument I went down to the Consulate and he met me there. We finally settled the matter by hiring him to drive us four hours in the afternoon for 5 dollars. We went to all three of the steamship companies, to the consulate and legation, and saw some of the city besides. The Bull Line boat Catherine, on which our permits

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