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[[preprinted]] 134 [[/preprinted]]
[[top margin]] Dominican Rep. 27. [[/top margin]]

say we are leaving, goes first to Barahona, reaching San Juan Thursday morning. The Cuba leaves at 7 AM on Tuesday and arrives in San Juan Wednesday morning. We didn't have time to have our permits changed as the offices close at noon. However, the Porto Rico line ss. Coamo leaves at 5 P.M. and arrives at San Juan at 7 AM on Wednesday. So we made reservations on that, and then started packing.
[[margin]] IX-17-35 [[/margin]] Went down early to get [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] our permit changed. [[margin]] J [[/margin]] It took only about fifteen minutes. Then I made arrangements with the S.S. Co. for the motorcycle, and went to Mr. Pulliam to see about leaving forwarding instructions for the package from Harry Ison Co. He gave me a not to Feeley, and I finally left authority with the American Consul. Then had to pack the motorcycle in a rush, and ride it down to the dock before lunch. They charged me $19.50 for it, while the regular auto rate is $20.00. The captain of the Cuba said he would take it for $5.00! We took a taxi to the pier at 3 o'clock, and caught the 4 o'clock launch. A rough trip out, but we weathered it O.K. This is a
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[[preprinted]] 135 [[/preprinted]]

[[image - hand-drawn map of the Dominican Republic with many cities labeled and some roads highlighted in red]]
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