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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]] Montserrat 4. 

[[margin]] VII-16-36 [[/margin]]
Ruth was quite a bit worse this morning, and I was up at 6:30 fixing inhalants and various things. We agreed to send for the doctor, even though he is colored, and he came at 8 o'clock. He said it was bronchitis, gave an injection that had effects of adrenalin, left some powder to relieve excessive labored breathing, and wrote a prescription. He seemed competent but talked little and not too clearly.
I went to town for the prescription, and to see the agent about storing the crate. It had already been put under a shed where it is safe, and can be left there till we go. 
Ruth was little improved by noon. The prescription didn't seem to do much but increase the coughing, but the second dose, after tea, made her feel much better. When the doctor was here her temperature was 99.4°.
At 2 o'clock I went out on the motor, intending to explore the northwest coast. Got caught in a very sudden shower, getting wet before I could get the raincoat on. Had to return, but noticed a fine public pasture about half a mile north of town. 
About five-thirty a caller was announced. It was a Mr. Wilson, connected with a citrus company here. He and his wife dropped in
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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
[[image - pen map of Montserrat, including coastline, towns, numbered roads, topography and drainage rivers]]
[[underlined]] MONTSERRAT [[/underlined]] 1 in. = 1 2/3 mi.

to tell me of a naturalist on the island who 
might be able to help me. This is Mr. T. Savage English, who has been here many years, and is interested in birds and water-beetles. Danforth gave me his name, but I had forgotten. He is practically confined to his home, but would