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[[page number]]6[[/page number]] Montserrat 6. be pleased to meet me at any time. We talked for about an hour on various subjects. He told me that [[Fennah?]] has been here for some time on the citrus weevil business. He has just gone back to St. Lucia. Evidently he is really going into it, as he's stopped giving recommendations until the experiments show results. H.E. Box and Tucker also came in for a word. Box persuaded the people here to import a Coccinellid from California for certain things. The cost was to be £40, and the results immediate and guaranteed. There turned out to be additional expenses, and the beetle failed entirely to become established ! Wilson feels that Box was a good entomologist, a very hard worker, a little too talkative, and much too assured that his way is the only way. He also told me of plans now afoot to unify the entomological work in the islands. One senior entomologist would be employed who would travel about and supervise the work of four junior antomologists (to be on Grenada, Dominica, Montserrat, and Antigua + St. Kitts). The catch to this excellent plan it that they plan to make it a training ground for the juniors, keeping them here just three years. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[page number]]7[[/page number]] We also discussed at some length the commission which is at present investigating the volcanic (or seismic) disturbances here. The two men are staying at this hotel. They are Sir Gerald Conyngham, geo-physicist, and Dr. Powell, physicist. The Royal Society chose the Commission, sending first a geologist named MacGregor from Edinburgh, who made a detailed geological survey. He wore boots and tramped over every square rod of the island, to the amazement of the local inhabitants! Then Dr. Powell was sent out with instruments to take records of the shocks, etc. Finally Sir Gerald has come out for two weeks to sum up and make the final report. In the meantime Dr. Jaggar of Hawaii was invited to assist, and he came here for a couple of weeks. I was surprised to learn that Jagger was down immediately after the 1902 eruptions of Pelé and Soufriere. He was at Pelé before the final spurts died down and was in the first party to ascend Soufriere after the eruption. He is credited with having said that there need have been no lives lost, as ample warning [[double underline]]was [[/double underline]]given to the people. The French scientists, however, said there would be no eruption, using the 1850 spurt as example.