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[[preprinted]] 14 [[/preprinted]] Montserrat 14. I was interrupted once by rain, and just got home before another shower. After lunch I went to town to get a box for mailing some things to Ed. Then I went out to see Mr. English, and he gave me two birds nests both with eggs (one mentioned before; the other of [[underlined]]Coereba bartholemica [[/underlined]]), a box of snail shells from Grand Cayman, and information on a good place to look for [[underlined]] Peripatus [[/underlined]]. He thought that the one here is a variety of one in Antigua. When I came back I packed these specimens in the box with the [[underlined]] Dynastes hercules [[/underlined]] from Dominica and the one from Guadeloupe, and the bird skeletons from W. Lucia for [[Wetmore]]. After tea we worked some on stamps, and I found my eyes a little tired. They were a little hard to focus, though not fatigued. While I was with Mr. English I picked up a tiny beetle form under a log. [[underlined]] Station 266. [[/underlined]] One mile north of Plymouth, near the Botanical Gardens. One beetle under a log. There was a sloop in this evening from Antigua, possibly with mail from the U.S.A. Our mail was to be forwarded until the Lady Hawkins on Saturday. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]][[upper right corner]] [[roman numeral seven]]-21-36 I felt rather lazy most of today, probably because I stayed in and finished reading a mystery story. I wrote (or rather typed) the letter to Ed - with collecting stations and report, to Baynes in Dominica - asking for refunds, and to Capt. Stebbings - same. Took these down in time to get into the Nerissa mail at noon. Also mailed the package. After lunch the S.S. agent sent up a package of mail that arrived from Antigua on the Nerissa. There were letters from Mother, the MacCoy's, Beirig, etc., and one BBES, one AESA, one Science, [[symbol - and]] one Ward's E.B. Spent considerable time perusing these, and after tea worked a little on stamps. There are two new boarders here today, but as usual we haven't been introduced. Late in the afternoon a real storm came up. The wind and rain were quite hard and the sky very dark. After dinner Mrs. Gillie tried to phone someone to ask what the barometer was registering, but could get no answer out of the operator. All through these islands there is a superstition that it is dangerous to use the phone or radio during electric storms. I don't know whether their crude installations actually do make it dangerous, but a [[underlined]] proper [[/underlined]] aerial is actually a safeguard from lightning. [[end page]]