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Antigua 19.

[[margin]] VIII-19-36 [[/margin]] Ruth went out collecting with me today. We went eastward through the parishes of St. John, St. George, and St. Peter into that of St. Philip. All this area is in cane, except for the tops of the hills. It is uninviting to a collector, to say the least.
[[underline]] Station 279. [[/underline]]
A stream near Belfast Bay, 1 mile west of St. Stephen's Church, on boundary between parishes of St. Peter & St. Philip. On the wet clay at the [[margin]] A [[/margin]] edge of the stream found 2 Alcocharinae only. Sifting of leaf rubbish yielded nothing. [[margin]] B [[/margin]] Under excrement found 7 Staphs ([[underline]]Oxytelus [[/underline - 6, [[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] - 1), and 1 [[underline]]Aphodius[[/underline]].
  This is about 8 1/2 miles east of St. John. We returned through Parham village, and stopped once to search in dung. Could find nothing except Forficulids.
[[margin]] VIII-20-36 [[/margin]] Rainy all day. No use going out. Ruth was rather tired after yesterday, so we spent the day here, doing stamps, etc. Nothing to report.
[[margin]] VIII-21-36 [[/margin]] Just after breakfast we received a small lot of mail - forwarded from St. Kitts. It had a Science, letter from EB, and the proof of Part I of my Tachyporinae paper. I was much surprised to see this letter so soon, - they had told me not to expect it for a year or so.

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We had a brief call from Mr. Forrest,- a naturalist of some sort, who invited us to come see his collection of Antigua fossils, etc. Ruth brought from the library H.G. Wells' The Shape of Things to Come. I didn't read much of it but started on the proof. They had changed the title from Revision of the Staphylinid Subfamily Tachyporinae of North America. Part I. Genus Tachyporus Grav. to The North American Species of Beetles of the Staphylinid Subfamily Tachyporinae: Genus Tachyporus Gravenhorst. I was not pleased, and intend to ask to have it changed back. 
  Rainy again all day.
[[margin]] VIII-22-36 [[/margin]] Again rainy. Accomplished little during the day, except to write a letter to the U.S.N.M. editor - Oehser- to send with the proof.
  After tea we went to call on Mr. Forrest. He showed us a few specimens and a great many photomicrographs of something he has discovered in fossil woods. He believes them to be Nemertean worms, and thinks that he can trace the various steps in development. He thinks they account for some queer cells observed in the petrified woods, and also ascribed to them some ostracod shells! He has so far been unable to convince the British Museum botanists