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Antigua 37.
[[margin]] IX-6-36 [[/margin]] Sunday. Threatening again, but only one light shower in the morning. Ruth and Miss Addie and Mr. Frost went swimming at the Fort. I wrote a letter to Ed and did a great deal of day-dreaming. I read most of my Morphology paper and speculated on how I should continue the study, how it could be improved, which were the results that would be immediately useful in classification, the desirability of repeating and enlarging upon the theoretical sections- perhaps as introduction to a new classification of the family. The latter would involve study of quite a few more groups, especially in the Aleocharinae and would undoubtedly require the use of several more categories than in use at the present.   etc.etc.  
Ruth brought back a large number of shells from the beach. She's getting quite a substantial collection now.
[[margin]]IX-7-36[[/margin]] Labor Day. But not observed here of course. Since there is a mail boat north today- the S.S. Lady Nelson, I finished the letter to Ed, and decided to stay home to put away specimens and wash vials. Checked the alcohol in the tank and found it still quite strong, though dirty. I should change it pretty soon.
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I resurrected some of the scale insects that I've been keeping for Ferrie. Had to throw away two lots- one mildewed and one without data. I haven't taken very good care of them. 
After dinner Mr. Frost and I had a long discussion on the use, [[strike through]] and [[/strike through]] spelling, and pronunciation of words- comparing English and American usage. It started about the use of "factory" as applied to sugar processing. It was entertaining an illuminating. We are going to keep a watch for "strange" usages of one another. 
[[margin]] IX-8-36 [[/margin]] A clear day. I rode out to the southeast part of the island, to St. Philip's Church in Parish of St. Philip. Could find no place to collect, although this region is not as forbidding as the northeast. on the way home I stopped at [[underlined]] Station 287 [[/underlined]]. 
Near a ford on a small stream close to the adjoining corners of the three parishes of St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Philip. At the edge of the stream I took 1 Carobid. From dung I took 9 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxcytelus [[/underlined]]-1, Paederinae-6, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]]-2), 2 Histerids, 1 Sphaeridiinae, 74 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], and 1 Forficulid. Also ants and a large mite. The dung here was scarce and a little old but more promising than usual in the East.
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