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Stopped for lunch at Rainbow Lake leantoo. Met man and group of boys. Saw deer in cove. Saw several grouse. Passed Wahmakanta Lake camps. Arrived Wadleigh pond Leanto about 8:00 Weather fair & cool. Trail fair to good except blowdowns south of [[underlined]][/underlined]] stream.


[[margin]]Saw horned owl and grouse[[/margin]]
21 July - Left Wadleigh Leanto about 7:00. Trail rough, many blowdowns and brush. Passed Nahmakanta Leanto. Shocked at change. Followed road (ouch). Passed Antlers Camps many flies and mosquitoes, hurry, hurry and arrived Cooper Falls Leanto at dusk.


July 22 - Left about 9:00 from Cooper Falls. Nice Location weather fair