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July 26 - Left Breakneck Ridge leanto about 7:00. Good Trail, well marked to Moxie Bald leanto. [[strikethrough]] Talked [[/strikethrough]] Climbed to tower, talked almost 2 hrs. Went on to Pleasant Pond Leanto Trail disrupted by logging about one mile from about 1/2 mile south of Lake Moxie. Arrived leanto in the twilight. Very tired, very foot sore.
[[along left margin]] saw deer near Moxie. [[/left margin]]

July 27 - Weather fair & cool. Hiked on road to Caratunk. Mailed movie camera. Bought groceries and flashlight. Lucky to get boat ride across Kennebec. Party crossing. Saw deer along road. Trail disrupted from Pierce Pond sidetrail onward. Lost trail completely, bushwacked on, circled and hit A.T. at East Carry Pond and hiked about 1 mile to leanto. Had rained lightly, woods wet. Rained hard after arrival.