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Andermat is the coldest place we've hit in Europe.

We drove over the Furka pass finally arriving at Andermat. We walked down the road toward Glestsch to see the Devil's bridge. The gorge is a wild one with sheer cliffs, or rather walls, rising straight up from the rocky bottom of the river below. We stopped enroute to Andermat to see the Handegg falls, two falls coming from different directions, also of a strikingly different color, finally rushing together at the bottom and carried away as one raving river of foam.

Aug. 23/28 (Thursday)

Andermat (fine)

Left by post bus at 8:30 A.M. The scenery enroute to Lugano was fine, but the coloring was not equal to the day before. Arrived at Lugano, after taking a train from Airolo, at about 2:30 P.M. We took a walk along the water front and through the town. In the evening I rowed Mother & Marsie on the lake. After a walk through the hotel's garden, we went to bed.

Transcription Notes:
Handegg = Handeck