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Strenuous Trail to Cove Mtn. Shelter 
with viewpoints along the way 
At Bryant Ridge shelter met John 
And daughter Robin with water and food 
crossed Apple Orchard Mountain 
Difficult to believe this lofty sumit 
A 4225 ft. elevation was once an orchard 
At [[strikethrough]] Jonny's [[/strikethrough]] Thunder Hill Shelter met couple 
Former threw hikers who fed me hot dogs 
Slept one mile further - rain at night 
Easy trail, windy weather to Matts Creek 
Pause there to shave and get ready for town 
Trip to Glasgow took almoost half a day 
Then on to John's Hollow shelter 
Light rain at night but stopped 
Long climb by switchback to overlook 
James River snaking its way 
Through the Blue Ridge eastward
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