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A sign says "No overnight caming in shelter 
No camping within sight of shelter" 
The fireplace is choked with rocks 
I cost many thousand but is neglected 
Whitetail deer are plentiful in Shencadoches 
And tame. They move aside to let you pass 
Mary's Rock is an outstand viewpoint 
On a side trail. It was maintrail back then 
The Appalachan Mtns vary in elelevation 
From almost sea level to almost 70050 feet 
The climate varies from subtropical to subarctic 
During the four seasons parts of it 
resemble almost any landscape on earth 
And just as unusual is the trail that spans it 
At Thornton Gap a luscious sandwich 
And a berry mulkshake yum yum 
Those Byrd's Nests are vanity frustrated
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