Viewing page 35 of 42

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[[blank lines]]

A bat flew above me eating mosquitoes

[[two blank lines]]

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[[start of page]]

The Kittatiny section is also rocky
But not the nasty kind like in Pema.
My water was gone before [[illegible]] Brink Shelter
I slept under a big pine tree half a short mile
A good spring is cold with no after taste
And comes directly out of the earth
A spring that is warm is surfae water
Air is the first requirement for life
Water is next and food is the last.
Reahed the state forest headquarters
and was meet by a photog and reporter
They followed me to High Point monument.
Water at shelter was Aowwfull
Stopped at unionville for water and phone.
Passed former sod farm and stopped
Late and slept on forest road.
Long roadwalk to waway and a Mtn.
Stopped at store then climbed Mtn.

Transcription Notes:
I believe the word that the transcriber states is illegible in 3rd line is meant to be reaching and is spelled reachin