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[[Text written across both pages]] Birds of Unalashka [[/both pages]] Plectrophanes nivalis (sh) 35 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 10x Reported & seen. Snowbird. Troglodytes alascenis (sh) 94-98. 100. 26. 249. 288. Wren Leucosticte griseinucha (sh) 245. 246. 248. 253 Finch Melospiza insignis (sh) [[strikethrough]] 32-36.[[/strikethrough]] 250. 418. Sparrow M. unalashkensis 32-36 Lagopus albus (?rupestris) (sh) 293. Grouse Pelidna maritima 38. 105-109. 37. 254. Sandpiper [[strikethrough]] Bub [[/strikethrough]] Nyctea nivea seen, also feathers &c White owl Brachyotus Cassini [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] 30-31 Yellow owl Haliaeetus leucocephalus (sh abdt) 297 Seen plenty White headed eagle Aquila canadensis [[strikethrough]] 297. [[/strikethrough]] 383 Golden eagle Tinnunculus sparverius seen, 1 killed but lost. Sparrowhawk (sh) Reported ? Larger Hawk Corvus carnivorus (sh) Plenty around village Raven. Polysticta Stelleri 223. 285. 298-9 Stellers eider Harelda glacialis (sh) 296 Old Squaw ? 251 Yellownose Surf Duck. Melanetta velvetina (sh) 142. [[strikethrough]] 307-8. 351ox [[/strikethrough]] White winged coot. Anas boschas. Seen plenty, dead, in Aleut hands Mallard Lampronetta Fischeri [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 21? Spectacled eider Querquedula discors. Reported Blue winged teal Nettion carolinensis. (sh) 24 Green winged teal Histrionicus torquatus 23. 304. Harlequin duck Mareca americana 25 Baldpate. Mergus americanus 302-3 large green head. Merganser
Transcription Notes:
All scientific names have been checked