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[[title text across both pages]] Unalashka fauna [[/text across pages]]

Margarita? sp.n.
Pinnoctopus sp.
Buccinum Kennicottii.
" [[Ditto for: Buccinum]] Moerchianum 
Loligo? sp. 

small landshells
[[line across page]]
No Haliotis
Rissoidae a very few
Astarte   Found d.r. in Indian bay
Bittium   Cerithiopsis  1 sp.

Transcription Notes:
Species names checked. Dall r and v look similar, a and u if he is writing quickly, also y and g, t and h and l and b, he sometimes does not cross his t's (or does it in a lazy way, so if the letters th are together, the h will have the cross line rather than the t, he usually does dot his i's, which helps distinguish them from e's. Of course, there is the usual issue of distinguishing, m, u, n, w,and im, iu, in, iw, ri (can look like n) etc. since they all can look very loopy. Ambrosia:- This is my favourite comment by a #volunpeer EVER!