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[[image - pencil sketch of landscape with lines showing strata of soil/rock and labelled D, P, C, B, CN, S, CN & sh & Cl]]

East Side.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

lower & upper leaf beds - all represented in the Yukon & Portage by the blue sandstone while the gravel & conglomerate & most of the lignite are absent there.

April 10 - Examine the strata in the East & South sides of New Harbor South of the lake portage.
The succession of the strata appear as follows
1st (D) a black granite rock (no. ) not stratified but some what bedded very obscurely dipping (as do all the strata here in general) 20° - 30° ESE.
2  On top of this the porphyrite (P) No  ) certainly lies conformably & forms the highest crest of the hills of this peninsula of the island.  An obscure bedding is perceptible in this rock also but not a regu

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed with additional descriptive info added to image and minor edits.