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----- Monday Feb 12, 1872 -----
Wind mod. SE. Bar. 29.432. Ther
36.5 Max 37.5 Min 31.5. Rainy &
cloudy. P.M. Lt SE air. rain & snow

----- Tuesday Feb 13 -----
Bar. 29.438. Ther. 33. Max 38. Min 31
Cloudy, some snow in early AM
Wind lt. SE. Work on plotting 
P.M. telemeter obs. on SW side of 
Amaknak. Wind NE. rain & snow
in squalls. Hunt for & find third rock
off Amaknak S. Bar. 9 P.M. 29.250

----- Wednesday Feb. 14 -----
29.220. Ther. 28.5. Max 38. Min 26.
Wind strong North. Cloudy. Rain & snow Schr. John Bright arrives from S. F.
-----Thursday Feb. 15-----
Strong W wind with [[strikethrough]]rain & [[/strikethrough]] snow squalls Bar. 29.438 Ther. 26.5. Max 38. Min. 16 Cloudy. Remove tide guage from wharf.

-----Friday Feb. 16-----
Ther. 20. Max 27. Min. 18. Bar. 29.402. Strong N wind cloudy with snow squalls. P.M. wind goes round to due West. Bar. 29.402

-----Saturday Feb. 17-----
Wind NNW 6. Ther. 22 Max 28 Min. 19 Barom. 29.398. Cloudy with snowsqualls. 11 P.M. Bar. 29.425 Wind WNW. Snowing hard.
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Transcription Notes:
Amaknak is correct