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[[line]] Saturday April 13 [[line]]
Morning moderate wind SSW. lt. noon breezes up from South P.M. strong SSE, gale by 9 P.M.  Ther. 40. 42. 38.  Bar 30.122.  9 P.M. Bar 29.864.

[[line]] Sunday April 14 [[line]]
Cloudy. Early A.M. Nearly calm then breezes up as it has done every day for a week, into half a gale from S, with squalls of rain or snow.  Ther. 38. 42. 38  Bar. 29.802.  9 P.M. Bar. 29.660.

[[line]] Monday April 15.
Morning cloudy high SSW wind Ther. 40. 46. 39.  Bar. 29.808.  Spend day running coast line of new harbor with telemeter.  Bar. 9 P.M. 29.486  Wind fresh from SSE  One heavy snow squall in P.M.

[[line]] Tuesday April 16 [[line]]
Rainy & snowy all day.  A.M. wind E light.  later NE P.M calm.  Ther. 37. 37. 35.  Bar A.M. 29.234.  9 P.M 28.920.

[[line]] Wednesday Apr. 17 [[line]]
Strong N wind. Sail from Coal Harbor at 8 A.M & go around Unga by the
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[[image - pencil drawing of landscape]]
[[drawing caption:]] 
New Harbor.

Transcription Notes:
Geographical names checked: April 17: Coal Harbor; Unga. Label on drawing on right hand page: SE New Harbor