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streets narrow & crowded. Teams jammed in a [[row?]] Pavements rough stone. Streets wet & muddy. Town full of smoke. Everything black & dirty - The Tremont is a handsome block - is the Gough Estate. Only 7 or 8 stories, but very nice - of iron & stone, heavily moulded - painted gray - Drugstore - Hardware, & other stores in basement - Saw 2 Passerines for sale in a basket for 75ยข each - were very fat. [[end page]] [[start page]] Followed along shore of lake - some ice out in one place - a lot of ducks in lake. Followed lake shore only a few miles in town - then out in jack oak & marsh country Old beach ridges 8 or 10 feet high follows parallel with lake shore & R.R.. a series of them along both sides of track - A strip of sand dunes well covered with grass & scrub oak (Jack & white oak) and a scrub pine - Marshes & sloughs Few houses & farms - most of the land grown up to brush or in woods & meadows. Sandy & poor
Transcription Notes:
Passerines - latin - a perching bird.
sloughs = swamp