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All Cyperaceae in this book identified or checked by Dr. F.J. Hermann of U.S.D.A. 
All Grasses ident. by Miss Agnes Chase.  

# 1081 = yellow form of [[underline]] S. bicolor [[/underline]] [[habit?]] ?

All compositae checked or ident. by Dr. S. F. Blake.

What I called Quercus falcata - U.S.N. Museum
CE.C. Leonard calls a hybrid [[underline]] marilandica [[/underline]] x [[underline]] rubra [[/underline]] ) see 1008, 1107.
See 207a. [[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] Is [[?]] [[underline]] Umbilicaria dillenii [[/underline]] Tuck. according to E.C. Berry Oct., 1946.

In event of death turn this book over to Mr. E.C. Leonard, of the U.S. National Herbarium.  H. A. Allard.  

[[end page]]
[[start page]]  

All ^ [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] plants in this book have been copied under their respective [[familia?]] complete.

1237a in part [[underline]] Luzula echinata [[/underline]] (small) Hermann  
(see) [[underline]] Campestre echinatum [[/underline]] (Small) Coville & Blake.

177A = [[underline]] Solidago bicolor [[/underline]] x [[underline]] S. erecta [[/underline]] according to S.F. Blake.  
No such [[Carex?]] as [[underline]] C. [[ancips?]] [[/underline]] Muhl..  see 1547

Allard, H. A.  Md., Va., W. Va.  1930-1936 
Book 1.  
Field notes nos. 1 - 1710.  
(Includes fungi, mosses, lichens and liverworts.

[[preprinted]] G. P. O. Item B2-B1 [[/preprinted]]