Viewing page 36 of 101

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[[preprinted]] 577 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Va: Bull Mts: field North of Antioch: Farquier Co: 6-9-35 
[[underline]] Achillea  millefolium [[/underline]] L. 
[line across page]

[[preprinted]] 578 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
Va: Bull Run Mts: field as for 577 6-9-35
Antennaria fallax Green (2)
[line across page]

[[preprinted]] 579 [[/preprinted]] (4)
Va: Bull Run Mts: field N. Hopewell Gap. 
Erigenon annuus (L.) Pers. 6-9-35  
common in waste ground. 
[line across page]

[[preprinted]] 580 [[/preprinted]] (4)
Va: Bull Run Mts. wooded slopes, ridges. 6-9-35
Panicum depauperatum Muhl 
[line across page]

[[preprinted]] 581 [[/preprinted]] (6) 
Va: Bull Run Mts: Harris Place: waste ground. 6-9-35
Bromus japonicus Thunb
581A [[image - arrow]] Bromus commutatus Schrad.  
[line across page]

[[preprinted]] 582 [[/preprinted]] (4) 
Va: Bull Run Mts: bog in [[siterico?]]. North of Antioch. 6-9-35       
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitch. 
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 583 [[/preprinted]] (5)
Va: Bull Run Mts: wooded slope
Panicum ashei Pearson 
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 584 [[/preprinted]] (3)
Va: Bull Run Mts: wooded slope N. Antioch 1 mi. 6-9-35
[[Panicum boscii?]] Poir
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 585 [[/preprinted]]  (3)
Va: Bull Run Mts: wooded slope as for 584 (same loc.) 6-9-35   
Panicum dichotomum L

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 586 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
Va: [[strikethrough]] Bull Run Mts [[/strikethrough]]
Clarendon: Allards' garden 6-16-35.  
[[underlined]] Sanicula [[/underlined]] gregaria Bicknell
[[image - 2 blue lines]] ᴥ
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 587 [[/preprinted]] (2) 
Va: Clarendon; Allard's garden 6-16-35
[[underline]] Veronica [[/underline]] officinalis L. 
[[image - 2 blue lines]] ᴥ
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 588 [[/preprinted]] (2) 
Va: Centerville. roadside. Fairfax Co. (on escape)
[[underline]] Lathyrus latifolius [[/underline]] L  6-16-35
[[image - 2 blue lines]] ᴥ
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 589 [[/preprinted]]  (1)
Va: Bull Run Mts: wooded slope North of Hopewell Gap 1. mi. 
Vitis [[underline]] aestivatis [[strikethrough]] [[in?]] bicolor. [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]]  Michx  
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 590 [[/preprinted]] (9)
Va: Bull Run Mts. Swamp east white Rocks. 6-9-35
Festuca elatior L     
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 591 [[/preprinted]] (2)
Va: Bull Run Mts: Near Antioch. Faurquier Co  6-9-35
[[underline]] Senecio smallii [[/underline]] Britton  
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 592 [[/preprinted]] (5)
Va: Bull Run Mts: roadside, Hopewell Gap. 6-9-35
Gnathalium purpereum L    
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 593 [[/preprinted]] (2)  
Va: Bull Run Mts: woods; Fauquier Co. 6-9-35  - 
[[underline]] Hieracium venosum [[/underline]] L  
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 594 [[/preprinted]]  (1)
Va: Bull Run Mts: dry woods near Antioch. Fauquier Co.  6-9-35    
Krigia virgini[[strikethrough]] ana [[/strikethrough]]ca (L.) Willd. 

Transcription Notes:
SL- Am in process of making transcription more manageable to read and use. Has been oked by TC Editing as follows - preprinted no., (no.), then place collected, date, plant, later added info of blue lines & symbol. ᴥ and two blue lines have specific meaning in this project. These need transcribing. See last written page in project for key. If you want to verify plants you can use