Viewing page 46 of 101

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[[preprinted]] 757 [[/preprinted]] (2)
Va; [[strikethrough]] Bull R [[/strikethrough]] South Marshall Mt; same loc. as 754. 7-14-35
Aster macrophyllus L
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 758 [[/preprinted]]  (2) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: same Loc. as 754. 7-14-35
[[underline]] Scutellaria [[/underline]]  ovata [[strikethrough]] Hill. [[/strikethrough]] virginiana Epli.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 759 [[/preprinted]]  (2) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: same loc as 754: 7-14-35
[[underline]] Spiraea [[/underline]] corymbosa Raf.
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 760 [[/preprinted]]  (10) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: same loc as 754. 7-14-35
[[underline]] Rudbeckia [[/underline]] monticola Small.
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 761 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
Va: South Marshall Mt. same loc. as 754. 7-14-35
[[underline]] Papaver [[/underline]] dubium L
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 762 [[/preprinted]]  (2) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: same loc. as 754: 7-14-35
Labiateae Monarda clinopodia L.
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 763 [[/preprinted]]  (3) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: same loc. as 754: 7-14-35
[[underline]] [[strikethrough]] Enpharbia [[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]]  Tithymalopsia corollata (L.) Kl. P Garcke.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 764 [[/preprinted]] (4) 
Va: South Marshall Mt. same loc. as 754. Compositae 7/14/35
Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 765 [[/preprinted]]  (3) 
Va: South Marshall Mt. 7/14/35 same loc. as 754
Graminae Festuca obtusa Spreng
[[image - two blue lines]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 

[[preprinted]] 766 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: South Marshall Mt. 7-14-35 same loc. as 754
Aster macrophyllus L.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 767 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: South Marshall Mt: 7/14-35 same loc. as 754. Compositae
Lactuca canadensis L.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 768 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: Near South Marshall Mt: in Big Devils Staircase. Page Co.: 7-14-35 at 2500 ft.
[[underline]] Asplenium [[underline]] trichomanes L.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 769 [[/preprinted]]  (2) 
Va: Big Devil's Stair Case, Sky Line Drive - same loc. as 768: 7/14/35 at 2500 ft
Camptosarus rhizophyllus (L.) Link
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 770 [[/preprinted]]  (6) 
Va: Overall Run Canyon, near Mt. Marshall. Sky Line Drive, [[@?]] Page Co.(?) - at 2500 ft. 7-21-35
Graminae Oryzopsis racemosa (J.E. Smith) Ricker.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 771 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: Overall Canyon: same loc. as 770 at 2500 ft: [[strikethrough]] 7/14/ [[strikethrough]] 7-21-35
Polypodiaceae Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 772 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: Overall Canyon: Same loc. as 770 7-21-35 
Polypodiaceae Athyrium thebypteroides (Michx.) Desv.
[[image - two blue lines]]
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[[preprinted]] 773 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: Overall Run Canyon: same loc. as 770: 7-21-35
Polypodiaceae Dryopteris sp. Juvenile and atyptical.
[[image - two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 774 [[/preprinted]]  (1) 
Va: Overall Canyon: same loc. as 770 7-21-35. 
Compositae Cacalia atriplicifolia L.
[[image - two blue lines]]

Transcription Notes:
Edited, but didn't check plant names yet. - A.H. (a.k.a. GigglePop!)