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1585 (1) Senecio smallii Britton
Roadside bank, woods, on road N. across R.R. below Beverley Mill, May 24, 1936. H.A.A.

1586 (1) Vaccinium [[strikethrough]]atrococcum (A. Gray) Heller[[strikethrough]] var crinitum Fern
High bush 1 ½ mi high: same loc, date, habitat as for # 1585. H.A.A

1587 (2) Kalmia latifolia L.
Same loc. date, habitat as for # 1585 Coming well into bloom: most in mid bloom stage. H.A.A

1588 (1) Panicum ashei Pears.
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1585 H.A.A

1589 (1) Panicum commutatum Schult.
Same date, loc. habitat as for # 1585 H.A.A

1590 Graminae - [[strikethrough]]2[[strikethrough]] 1 Panicum [[strikethrough]]Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1585 low, damp woods
= Panicum commutatum Schult

1591 (2) Graminae
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1585 H.A.A, = Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitch.

1592 (1) Rubus argutus Link.
(Tall, upright) Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1585. H.A.A

1593 (2) Carex intumescens Rudge.
Same date, loc. as for # 1585 - low, wet ground by roadside. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann) [[end page]]

[[start page]] 1594 (1) [[strikethrough]]Taenidia integrifolia[[strikethrough]]
Same date, loc, & habitat as for # 1585 - woods. H.A.A
[[underline]]Thaspium[[underline]] barbinode (Michx.) Nutt.

1595 (1) Quercus alba L
Same loc - date as for # 1585 woods by roadside: common. H.A.A

1596 (2) Carex rosea [[strikethrough]]var. radiata Dewey[[strikethrough]] Schkukr (Ident by F.J. Hermann)
Low ground, Bull Run Mts., by roadside on Road N. across R.R. below Beverley Mill, May 24, 1936. H.A.A

1597 (3) Carex gynandra Schwein
Same loc, habitat, date as for # 1596 - [[strikethrough]]wet[[?]][[strikethrough]] low, wet ground by stream, in woods. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1598 (4) Carex scabrata Schwein
Same loc, habitat & date as for # 1596 (growing with it) H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1599 (1) Carex prasina Wahl
Same loc., date, habitat as for # 1596: (growing with it beside brook, damp, soil, in woods and shake: abundant. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1600 (2) Carex laevivaginata (Kuk.) Mack.
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1596 (growing with it) H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1601 (1) Carex prasina Wahl.
Same date, loc. &. habitat as for # 1596 (growing with it) abundant here. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1602 (1) Graminae [[underline]]Poa[[underline]] compressa L
Same date, loc, habitat etc as for # 1596 - H.A.A moist woods.