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1621 (2) Cerastium [[underline]]longipedunculatum[[underline]] Muhl.
2 mi. N. of Beverley by wood road crossing R.R just S of Beverley - damp roadside Bull Run Mts. May 24, 1936. H.A.A

1622 [[strikethrough]](3)[[strikethrough]] (4) Senecio smallii Britton
Same date, loc. etc as above: in dry waste pasture growing up.[[?]] May 27, 1936 - H.A.A.

1623 (1) Veronica officinalis L
SAme loc. as for # 1622, date, etc: Bull Run Mts: by roadside. H.A.A

1624 (2) Carex laevigaginata (Küh Mack. ?
Same date, loc. etc as for # 1622, low, wet ground, by roadside in open near brook H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1625 (1) Graminae = [[underline]]Festuca obtusa[[underline]] Spreng.
Same date, loc. etc as for # 1622 Moist woods by roadside. H.A.A

1626 (1) Graminae = [[underline]]Festuca obtusa[[underline]] Spreng.
Same date, loc. etc as for # 1622 by roadside, moist woods. H.A.A

1627 (3) Viburnum acerifolium L
Roadside same locality as for # 1625. Bull Run Mts. 5-2-36. H.A.A full bloom: abundant.

1628 (1) Luzula multiflora var bulbosa (Wood) Hermann.
bank in woods near # 1625 H.A.A same date. Bull Run Mts. (Ident by F.J. Hermann.
[[strikethrough]]Juncoides campestre bulbasum (A. Wood) Coville & Blake[[strikethrough]]

1629 (1) Carex [[underline]]swanii (Fernald) Mack.
Moist woods by roadside. same loc: date etc as for 1625. HA.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann) [[end page]]

[[start page]] 1630 (1) Graminae. Poa pratentis L
Same loc., date, habitat etc as for # 1625 - woods by roadside, HAA

1631 (2) Carex rosea Schk + Carex rosea var. radiata Dewey
Low woods in same loc. Same date as for # 1625. H.A.A.
- 1631A [[inserted into entry beneath C. rosea var. radiata Dewey]]

1632 (1) Veronica arvensis L.
Roadside in shaded woods: Same loc. as for # 1625 and # 1621 H.A.A

1633 (1) Carex [[strikethrough]]complanata Torr[[strikethrough]]
Same loc, date habitat as for # 1621. H.A.A (Ident. by F.J. Hermann) = (C. hirsutella) Mack.

1634 (1) Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.
Same date, loc. etc as for # 1621. HAA: Roadside: common in valleys, even on ridges.

1635 (2) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.
On R.R. below Beverley Mill, 5/24/1936. H.A.A. Full bloom

1636 (4) Melilotus alba Lev.[[?]]
Same loc. and with # 1635 May 24, 1936. H.A.A This early strain in full bloom: others mostly not in flower.

1637 (1) Papaver dubium L.
Same loc, date etc. as for # 1635 (with them) Past bloom,

1638 (1) Rumex crispus L.
Same loc. as for # 1635, date etc (Beside it) H.A.A