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1639 (2) Bromus commutatus Schrad.
By R.R. just below Beverley Mill, Bull Run Mts. May 24, 1936. H.A.A

1640 (2) Panicum [[underline]]depauperatum[[underline]] Muhl.
By road side, Bull Run Mts. dry bank on road cross R.R. just below Beverley. May 24, 1936. H.A.A. (spikelets smaller than typical)

1641 (2) Bromus commutatus Schrad.
By R.R. just below Beverley Mill, 5-24-36 - H.A.A. Abundant here

1642 (1) Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
Same date, locality, habitat as for # 1641 = 1641 [[repetition of 1641 is to clarify initial entry which is heavily written over]] Past flower

1643 (1) Melilotus officianalis (L.) Lam.
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1641 H.A.A. full bloom here, the only locality where[[?]] found

1644 (2) Galium aparine L
Same date, loc. habitat as for # 1641

1645 (1) Geranium [[underline]]carolinianum[[underline]] L
Same date, loc. habitat as for # 1641 H.A.A var. confertiflorum Fern

1646 (3) Bromus testorum L
Same date, loc. habitat as for # 1641 H.A.A abundant here.

1647 (2) Bromus [[strikethrough]][[underline]]testorum[[underline]] L[[strikethrough]]
With no # 1646, same loc. date etc. H.A.A. = [[underline]B. commutatus[[underline]] Schrad. [[end page]]

1648 (1) Dactylis glomerata L.
Same date, loc. etc as for # 1641 abundant; full bloom H.A.A
[[strikethrough]]Bromus. Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1641. H.A.A[[strikethrough]]

1649 (1) Bromus testorum L
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1641 H.A.A

1650 (4)[[4 written over 3]] Anthemis cotula L
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1641 H.A.A

1651 (1) [[strikethrough]]Stellaria[[strikethrough]] Arenaria serpyllifolia L
Same date, loc, habitat etc, as for 1641. H.A.A (By railroad at Beverley)

1652 (1) Graminae - Bull Run Mts - Va\5-24-36. wet woods by spring. H.A. Allard. = [[underline]]Sphenopholis[[underline]]
intermedia (Rydb.) Rydb.

1653 (1) At camp on Elliott Knob, Augusta Co., Va., May 30, 1936, 1 mi. from highway: woods. [[underline]]Thaspium barbinode[[underline]] (Michx.) Nutt

1654 (1) Pentstemon canescens Britton
Same loc. and date etc as for # 1653 In woods well up the mountain to 2500 feet. H.A. Allard

1655 (1) Panicum depauperatum Muhl.
On trail to spring on Elliott Knob (see # 1653) H.A. Allard. on shales etc: common.

1656 (2) Carex cephalophora Muhl.
At camp as for # 1653 - on Elliott Knob. H.A. Allard May 31 1936. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)