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1657 (1) Pentstemon - On Elliott Knob, Va., Augusta Co., at camp site. 1 mi. from highway through Buffalo Gap. H.A. Allard May 31, 1936. Full bloom, extending up on shales[[?]] to 3000 feet or more; woods. = P. canescens Britton

1658 (3) Same locality, date, habitate etc as for # 1657. H.A. Allard. 1 woods [[underline]]Taenidia integerrima[[underline]] (L.) Drude.

1659 (1) Asclepias quadrifolia Jacq.
Same loc. date, habitat as for # 1657 (at camp site and above on trail. H.A. Allard

1660 (2) Pentstemon canescens Britton.
Same loc, date, habitat as for # 1657. H.A. Allard

1661 (1) Ranunculus: same loc, habitat, date as for # 1657 - woods by trail. H.A. Allard = R. [[underline]]hispidus[[underline]] Michx.

1662 (1) Houstonia tenuifolia Nutt
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1657 H.A. Allard. common at camp and for up on shales etc on trail.

1663 (1) Panicum depauperatum Muhl.
Same loc. date, habitat as for # 1655

1664 (1) [[underline]]Carex pennsylvanica[[underline]] Lam.
Same date, loc, habitat as for # 1657. 5-31-36. H.A. Allard. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)

1665 (3) Viola cucullata Ait
At spring on Elliott Knob, Va at 4100 feet - H.A. Allard. damp soil. May 31, 1936. Full bloom. [[end page]]

[[start page]] [[underline]]Panicum[[underline]] depauperatum Muhl.
same loc. date etc as for # 1665 - damp soil. H.A. Allard.

1667 (1) Panicum depauperatum Muhl. [[image - arrow pointing to]]and [[underline]]Panicum tsugetorum[[underline]] Nash.
  same loc, date, etc., as for 
  #1666.  H.A. Allard           e

1668 [[strikethrough]](4)[[strikethrough]](5) [[underline]]Azalea canescens Michx[[underline]]
At spring on Elliott Knob, Va at 4100 feet. full bloom. May 31, 1936 H.A. Allard

1669 (2) [[underline]]Thaspium trifoliatum[[underline]] (L.) Britton
Unbelliferae Same loc. date, habitat as for # 1668 - at spring, in grassy area near shelter. May 30, 1936. H.A. Allard

1670 (1) [[underline]]Cyperipedium acaule.
Near spring in Bear Oak at Elliott Knob, Va, at 4100 ft. 5-1-36 In full bloom here to fire tower. but past bloom at camp site 1 mi from highway H.A. Allard = Fissipes acaulis (Ait.) Small

1671 (4) Rhododendron catawbiense Michx
On Elliott Knob at spring level 4100 ft., south and S.E of Forest shelter and visible from it: full bloom May 31, 1936. H.A. Allard. Not abundant here.

1672 (1) [[underline]]Thalictrum dioicum[[underline]] L
Same loc. as for # 1671 - At spring, 4100 ft., damp soil. H.A. Allard: full bloom.

1673 (1) In grass area near spring as for # 1672. 5-31-36 H.A. Allard. Full bloom Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) Britton

1674 (1) Drosera rotundifolia L.
Moist bog at spring at 4100 feet on Elliott Knob. 5-31-36. H.A. Allard.