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[[preprinted page giving moon's phases, eastern and central division. Lists day of month for December, with day of week. Lists Local Mean time and tides for the Latitudes of Boston and Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, Wash. Cin. & St. Louis.]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] Ther. Monday, Jan 1, 1990 Wea. [[/preprinted]] 3 1/2 Roll. A. 1 trial of focus 1899 - smallest stop. 2. 1900. Feb. 10. 4.30 pm western sky. lat. ab. 24° N - smallest stop. 3 do do do [[Dittos for: 1900. Feb. 10. 4.30 om western sky. lat. ab. 24° N - smallest stop.]] 4 Feb 10. 5pm do do [[Dittos for: western sky. lat. ab. 24° N - smallest stop.]] (Sun 5-8 [["]] 11 3.30 pm find mill on McPherson 2 stop 9 " 12 7 am. "Texas" in harbor S. Juan [[preprinted]] Ther. TUESDAY 2 Wea. [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] 10 [[underlined]] " " 10 am San Juan, Plaza Alf. XII. [[underlined]] 11 [[underlined]] " " " " Stat. Crist. Colon [[underlined]] 12 [[underlined]] " " " " Old fortific: San Christobal. Roll B. 13(i) Slaughterhouse outside of S.J. 11.30 am [[superscript]] Feb 12 [[superscript]] 14(ii) Feb. 12. effect of trade wind on trees road leading to San Juan. 1 pm. 15 (iii) " Suburban narrowgage train. SJ. 1-15 [[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 3 Wea. [[preprinted]] 16(iv)" Washerwoman returning from town 1.30 17(v) " Rolling a road bed S.J. 2 18(vi) " Old Church, S.J. 3 pm 19(vii) " Street " 20(viii) " Calle de Tetuan[[?]], " 4 pm 21(ix) " McPerson leaving a harbor [[unreadable]] [4.30 22(x) Feb. 13 [[unreadable]], marshes near Catania 2-3 23(xi) " "Drink Indianap. beer," harbor S.J. 5 24(xii) " " " " " "
Transcription Notes:
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