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1900 [[pre-printed]] Ther. THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1900     Wea.
Feb.     5x7
   [[in pencil]] devel [[/in pencil]]
1 (i) Feb. 14. "Scott Emulcion," San Juan P.R.
     11.15 am sun. 64. 1 sec.
2 (ii) "[[pencil Ditto: devel]] "[[ink Ditto:Feb]] 17. View across the bay San Juan towards Cataño, 64. 10 sec. yell col. sun 8 am.
3 (iii) "[[pencil Ditto: devel]] "[[ink Ditto: Feb]] 20 View of El Yunque from Rio Grande, bend of road. 4 pm. inst. 64.
4 (iv) "[[pencil Ditto: devel]] "[[ink Ditto: Feb]] 28 Camp El Yunque: view from 

[[pre-printed]] Ther. FRIDAY 5   Wea. [[/pre-printed]]

tent into [[forest?]] 9.30 am fog. 64. 15 sec. 
5 (ix) "   " [[pencil ditto for: devel]] [[ink ditto for: Feb 28]] view of camp do[[Ditto:9.30am]] do[[Ditto: fog]] do[[Ditto: 64.15 sec]] 
6 (v) Mar 1. Catalina Plantation 3:30pm 64 sun. 1/2 sec.
7 (iv) Mch 22. Vieques. View of Isabella ii from fort (flag staff) 4:15 pm. inst., 60
8 ([[strikethrough]] vii [[/strikethrough]]) [[insertion]] X [[/insertion]] do[[Ditto:March 22?]] do [[Ditto: Vieques. View of Isabella ii from fort (flag staff) 4:15 pm. inst., 60 ?]]  no good
9. (i) Mch 26.  Fort from street in Isabella ii Vieques

[[pre-printed]] Ther.  SATURDAY 6   Wea. [[/pre-printed]]
        inst. 44. 2:30pm sun
10 (ii) Mch 26. Vieques, Hotel Ricardo Ortiz. do[[Ditto: inst 44]] do[[Ditto: 2.30pm]] do[[Ditto: sun]] 
11 (iii) " [[Ditto: Mch]] 27   "[[Ditto: Vieques]]  [[OW?]] Fort from direction
              of Sugar mill    do[[Ditto: inst 44?]] do[[Ditto: 2.30pm?]] do[[Ditto: sun?]]
12 (iv)  "[[Ditto: March]] "[[Ditto: 27]] "[[Ditto: Vieques]] LeBrun Sugar Mill 5:30 do[[Ditto: inst 44?]] do[[Ditto: sun?]]
13 (v) Apr.14 Adjuntas :  [[Farida?]] La Colonial
               10 am. sun. inst. 64.
14 (vi) Apr.16  Ponce. Large [[space left - for tree varity?]]       tree outside of city.  1 pm. sun. inst. 44.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[pre-printed]] Ther.   SUNDAY, JAN. 7, 1900    Wea.  [[/pre-printed]]

3 1/2X Roll C
San Juan P.R.
25 (i) Feb.14. Market. cloudy inst 10 am
26 (ii) "[[Ditto: Feb 14]] "[[Ditto: Market]] "[[Ditto: cloudy]] "[[Ditto: inst]] '[[Ditto: 10am]]
27 (iii) Cueva di Fari. Pueblo Viejo, Entrance to cave. time. smallest stop.
28 (iv) Feb.16  Ferry ship, Cataño, inst. sm. stop!
29 (v)   "[[Ditto: Feb.16]] train for Bayamon "[[Ditto: inst.]] "[[Ditto: sm.]] "[[Ditto: stop]] !

[[pre-printed]] Ther.    MONDAY 8   Wea.   [[/pre-printed]]

30 (vi)  "[[Ditto: Feb. 16]] Street in Bayamon inst. 4 pm
31 (vii) "[[Ditto: Feb. 16]] street in S.J. from our hotel balcony, "[[Ditto: inst]] 5pm
32 (viii)"[[Ditto: Feb.]] 17. - Inside bat cave, flash light + super imposed:  little girl from Pueblo Viejo, 4 pm sun. inst.
33 (ix)  same girl "[[Ditto: 4pm]] "[[Ditto: sun]] 
" [[Ditto: inst]]
34 (x) "[[Ditto: Feb.]] 18 - Carnival scene in streets S.J. 6 pm! inst. shady side!
35 (xi) "[[Ditto: Feb.]] 19. Palacio, S.J. park facing N. 11 am

[[pre-printed]] Ther.   TUESDAY 9  Wea [[/pre-printed]]
36 (xii) "[[Ditto: Feb. 19]]  S.J. [[?]] from N. gate of Palacio. 11 am part cloudy
        Roll D [[in pencil]] developed [[/in pencil]]
37 (i) [['Part' overwritten 'Feb']]. 19.  part of sea wall.  S.J. from N gate of Palacio.  11:30 am. [[written over original 'pm']]
38 (ii) Feb. 20.  La Carolina:  women on horseback
39 (iii) "[[Ditto: Feb.]] "[[Ditto: 20.]] "[[Ditto:La Carolina]] Plaza, El Yunque in background.
40 (iv)  "[[Ditto: Feb.]] "[[Ditto: 20.]] our team