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[[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] 15 (vii) Apr 17. Tropical House, Ponce 8 pm.[[/strikethrough]] 15 (vii) Apr. 17 Looking down the Cuyon River, P.R.,12:15 pm sun inst. 44 16(viii) Apr. 17. View on military road near Cayey. 4 pm inst. 44 sun [[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 11 Wea. [[/preprinted]] 17 (ix) Apr. 22. Santiago de Cuba from deck of S.S. noon. sun. yellow screen 2 sec. [[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY 12 Wea. [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY, JAN. 13, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] 3 1/2 (Roll D) [[underlined]] 41 [[/underlined]] (v) Feb. 21. Mameyes: our pack train ready to start, in front of our house 10.30 am. [[underlined]] 42 [[/underlined]] (vi) " " " [[dittos for: 10.30 am.]] native hut 43(vii) } Feb.25. Our caravan on the road 44(viii)} to El Junque 7.30 am. 45(ix) } [[preprinted]]Ther. SUNDAY 14 Wea. [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] 46 [[/underlined]] x = 5x7 no 4} [[underlined]] 47 [[/underlined]] xi " " [[dittos for: = 5x7 no]] 5 } [[strikethrough]] [[millpond?]] [[/strikethrough]] 48 ? ? ? Roll E: 49(i) Mch 3. Catalina Plant. oxteam before starting 11.40 am 50(ii) " [[dittos for: Mch 3.]] Santiago, the Hindu cook do. 51(iii) " [[dittos for: Mch 3.]] On road to Mameyes 12.30 52(iv) Sugar mill at Mameyes with El Yunque [[preprinted]]Ther. MONDAY 15 Wea. [[/preprinted]] in background 1.45 pm 2d stop. 53(v) Luquillo Mch 9 2pm the house of misery and rats. [[in pencil]] 54(vi) Church & Plaza, Fajardo Mch 10 [[/in pencil]] 55(vii) Fajardo, Mch 15. 8 am Hotel Holst. 56(viii) " [[ditto for: Mch 15]] Bringing cane from field to mill. 57(ix) Freighting the sugar [[end page]]