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[[preprinted in journal]] Ther. SATURDAY, FEB. 3, 1900 Wea.[[/preprinted in journal]] 3 1/2 105(ix) Apr 19 Part of old Sea wall, San Juan, with Casa Blanca. 5pm. sun. inst. 106 (x) " San Juan. Statue of Ponce de Leon in Plaza de San Jose. 5 pm sun. inst. 107 (xi) " 21 [[overwrites 22]] Santiago de Cuba, Morro Castle at [[?]] 7.30 am. 108 (xii) " [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. [[/preprinted in journal]] Entrance to [[preprinted in journal]] SUNDAY 4[[/preprinted in journal]] harbor [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]]looking from the [[strikethrough]] inside [[/strikethrough]] channel towards Morro. Most of Merrimac visible in water under castle do. Roll K. 109 (i) Apr. 22. Santiago harbor: disinfecting [[boat?]] 11 am sun. 110(ii) "" Plaza & Church, Santiago, 3 pm 111(iii) " " Street in Santiago 112 (iv) "" another " [continue May 13] [[image hashed rectangle across page]] [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. MONDAY 5 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine Left Washington by B & O 1.15 pm. Arr N.Y. 7 pm acc. by Richmond. Stopped at Astor house, where found telegram from [[Dr J??]] about transport permit being issued. Spent evening with Dr. [[Boad??]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. TUESDAY FEB. 6, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] Fine Got special delivery letter cont. copy of letter concerning transportation. Visited pier 22 where McPherson lies and was referred to army building for issue of ticket. All our boxes arrived and checked. Got tickets. Bought rain cape and summer clothing. Spent evening with Mrs.[[Horace?]] [[Aus?]] and daughters & Mr. Dahn. [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 7 Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] constant rain Went at once to "McPherson" and presented ticket and identified baggage. Then back to N.Y. and got letter from Dutch legation to governor in Dutch W.I. Exchanged larger bills in [[Lubbraney???]] for smaller ones. Boarded McPherson about 12.30 and cast off and under way 2.10 pm. [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. [[/preprinted in journal]] 62.6 9 am. [[preprinted in journal]] THURSDAY 8 [[/preprinted in journal]] W fresh S. [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] cloudy 261 knots at 12 am. from Sandy Hook. Lat. N. 36 degrees 19', Long. 72 degrees 27' W. - Even the passage past Hatteras did not disturb the comparative [[sereneness??]] of the sea. Ports open all day.