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65.3  [[preprinted in journal]] Ther. [[/preprinted in journal]] Wind light [[preprinted in journal]] FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1900 [[/preprinted in journal]] clearing [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]]
Sea smooth, nearly. Temp. of water at noon 76° of air 68°. Long 69°55 Lat. 31°20.--327 knots.

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68.5, 8am  [[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  SATURDAY 10[[/preprinted in journal]] W. light [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] clear
Sea smooth, but a long heavy swell causing a considerable rolling of the vessel. Bright sunshine
Long 68°32' lat 25°59' - 332 knots. temp 1 pm:72.7  W shifted to S.E.

[[blank space before next entry]]

74.  8am  [[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  SUNDAY 11[[/preprinted in journal]] SE fresh [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] 
Clear with heavy cloud banks in the east. Pretty big swell, rolling considerable.
Long 66°57 . Lat 20.49 - 324 knots
1 pm 75.6 [[5 has been written over a 4]] Fahr. Hove to at night when in sight of Morro light

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[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.  MONDAY, FEB. 12, 1900    Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine
At daybreak got in to San Juan, the view passing Morro Castle glorious. Landed after breakfast and at once took [[superscript a, subscript ˄ showing insertion]] room [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] in Hotel Inglaterra. Decided not to call on Governor General Davis as the arrival of the transport might keep him busy, and went instead out into the country to San Antonio and beyond. One single bird and a few lizards. A light shower at the noon [[in the morn?]]

[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.   TUESDAY 13 [[/preprinted in journal]] not too hot [[preprinted in journal]] Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] fine
After breakfast called on Capt. Hansard and then on Gov. Gen.. chief signal officer, Major Glassford and head of weather bureau. The [[lunche?]] and pr. launch to Catania across the bay. Had self to return to town to keep my agreement with Glassford to examine the "museum", so got nothing but a few small lizards. R. was [[?]] lucky as he shot 10 birds.

[[preprinted in journal]] Ther.   WEDNESDAY 14   Wea. [[/preprinted in journal]] similar
with the regular occasional light shower.
Morning spent in taking care of specimens [[inserted above this text]] and visiting market [[/inserted above this text]], then delivered letter to postmaster, Mr. Landis. After lunch hired a sail boat and two men to take me to [[Curva?]] di Fari, near to Pueblo Viejo, across the bay. Got stuck in the mud, finally succeeded in landing. Did not succeed in getting any bats, but quite a number of other things.