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[[preprinted]] Ther. TUESDAY, FEB. 27, 1900 [[/preprinted]]
same only worse; heavy fog in the morning followed by a continued rain which in the afternoon changed to showers with slight intermissions.  In view of the expense and time involved in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] reaching this place and that the weather has thus far rendered collecting unprofitable we decided at noon to send one of the boys as messenger to Mr. Agostini asking that the porters for our return do not start until Saturday next. R shot 2 [[underlined]] Nesospingus [[/underlined]].

[[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 28    Wea. [[/preprinted]]
continues the dense rain and fog, but wind has changed in the morning from SE to NE? At 9 o'cl the porters suddenly appeared, as Mr. Agostini had gone to San Juan and there was nobody at the plantation who could read English. Breaking camp at once commenced, while I with our [[underlined]] 3350 [[/underlined]] natives ascended the El Yunque in the fog to get a barometric reading at the top. Nothing could be seen. At 11 am the downward march began in a violent rain which lasted until our arrival at the Catalina plantation at 2.30 pm thoroughly soaked. Rain continues at interval so nothing can be dried out. Developed a few 5x7 photos [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] that night.

[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY, MAR 1    Wea.[[/preprinted]]
a little better, rain with occasional sun glinting. busy drying and cleaning. Later in the day it cleared off so that we succeeded pretty well in having our things dried. Collecting was also quite profitable; I got a [[underlined]] Diploglossus [[/underlined]] and R. a young [[underlined]] Leptodactylus [[/underlined]], besides the birds.  Developed a roll films at night, fairly successfully and one 5x7

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[[preprinted]] Ther.  FRIDAY, MAR. 2, 1900 Wea.[[/preprinted]] fine.

Nearly the whole day in the woods trying to get birds for R., but with very scant results. Other collecting equally poor, but made some interesting notes on [[underlined]] Anolis [[/underlined]]. One of the peons brought a [[colubridae?]] snake. Helped R. skin a few birds at night and loaded 5x7 holders which are badly swollen and films sticking together!

[[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY 3     Wea.[[/preprinted]] very fine
and as we reached sea level very hot. Packed early but ox team came late and we did not get off until 11.40 arriving in extreme E end of Luquillo at 3.30 hardly without a stop. Grand palaver in & about house, Benito's [[mother's ?]] not being exactly to our taste. The heat was great and walking the shadeless road did not improve matters and perhaps the water of a whole cocoa-nut did [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] contribute, [[enough ?]] I had a terrible headache with feaver

[[preprinted]] Ther.  SUNDAY 4   Wea. [[/preprinted]] off and on showers. The shanty has to be endured. All morning occupyed by receiving bats and [[underline]] Sphaerodactylus [[/underline]] and afternoon in skinning and preparing the [[former ? frames ?]]. I felt so bad that I had to give up after skinning the [[bird?]] and lie down. We have no quinine here, but have taken a couple of liver pills as I suspect the attack to be bilious. If I am I not much better in the morning will go to S.J.

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