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[[preprinted]] Ther.  SATURDAY MAR. 17, 1900   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine.
Spent morning writing, while R. was at the "museum" naming the birds, also hunted around for information, like yesterday, for information as to how to get to St. Thomas and when. It was suggested at the custom house that we go to Culebra and take the coast [[survey ?]] s.s. there who goes every sunday to St. Thomas. - Spent afternoon in very hard work at quartermaster's warf unpacking and packing P.R. specimens for shipment home, also rest of outfit for future trip.

[[preprinted]] Ther.  SUNDAY 18   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
   To test our strength we made a trip over to Bayamon to visit the cave and see if we could get any bats. We climbed a steep hill, which fatigued us very much and we found a [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] cave, but no bats. Afterward visited Dr. Stahl, who said he would make special efforts to get toads for me. Formerly they were common in the neighborhood, though he himself had never taken a live specimen They were brought him by the farmers; now they are rare, he attributes it to the [[morning ?]], but I doubt. Habits nocturn.

[[preprinted]] Ther.  MONDAY 19   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
Spent all morning at the quartermasters wharf packing specimens to be returned with tomorrow's transport. Harder and longer work than might be expected. In the afternoon with L. Mc.Cormick took sailboat for Pueblo Viejo for Cueva di Fari in search of bats. Landed after the usual trouble on the mudflats. Got 48 specimens representing 5 species, 2 being additional to them obtained previously. Returned at 7pm.

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[[preprinted]] Ther.  TUESDAY, MAR. 20, 1900   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
   Went at 9 o'cl to quartermaster's wharf with my bag of bats (40) to inject and place in alcohol as our whole outfit is there. It took almost all forenoon, while R. was at home in the hotel skinning the others. Returning I helped R, cleaning the skulls and pinning up the skins. That kept us busy until some time into the afternoon.

[[preprinted]] Ther.  WEDNESDAY 21   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine, with a couple of showers in the morning. Forenoon spent in making good by calls, to Governor, Major [[Clerm?]], Major Glassford, who was not in S.J., weather bureau, Dr. [[Wilber ?]]. Also at custom house where we got fool's answers in reply to questions for information. Then to steamer Porto Rico and Longfellow, the latter taking in lumber for the [["Wake" ? "Make" ? "Blake" ?]] at Culebra, but as she is going all around the island due at Culebra Sunday, we decided to go to Vieques in the Porto Rico. Brought all our goods from quartermaster's wharf and hotel, Benito and Frederico assisting. Went aboard the steamer about 10 pm. Left cable message for M. to be delivered tomorrow.

[[preprinted]] Ther.  THURSDAY 22   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine
Started 3 am, the P.R. is a high roller, arriving in Isabella II, Vieques, 10 am. Bringing goods ashore and to hotel perfect robbery. Hotel fair. At 12.10 pm took a stroll up the country which is dry, scant collecting; hardly any lizards seen; mongoose numerous; got a number of frogs and tree frogs. Then went to the fort to photo. it for Lieut. Warfield, in command, but with poor success, the cut films curling and coming out of the holders. - Lost a tooth and developed a bad case of haemorroids

- 8 years happiness, bless her!
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