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[[preprinted]] Ther.  WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine.
Went out after breakfast to shoot birds and was kept busy by the antics of a bird which afterwards turned out to be the Palm Warbler!  In afternoon went out for Ameivas, but it being cloudy none were out and I returned empty-handed.  Our telegraph operator succeeded later!  By noon he promised Sapo conchos before 8'cl and at 7.30 he sent word that he had 5 and he was correct this time!  A begger whom he met in the morning he engaged and the b. made 1 peso.

[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 5   Wea. [[/preprinted]]  cloudy 
Our telegraph operator came in to say good bye before he left in the morning [[Insertion]] Prepared Sapos. [[/insertion]] Our horses came at 8.30, but it was not until 9.30 that we got out of town. Miserable horses and miserable outfit. We were 7 hours in the saddle without alighting till we arrived in Utuado at 4 pm. extremely fatigued. Stopped at E. Agudo's hotel, apparently O.K. Though it ^[[insertion]] was [[/insertion]] cloudy most of the time The ride was very hot, as no breeze was stirring; roads fairly good and would have been practicable for a coach, which we did not know, unfortunately.

[[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY 6  Wea. [[/preprinted]]
raining most of forenoon; cloudy and threatening with a light sprinkle during the rest of the day. There being no hope of lizards being out in the rain I did not go out til after noon. Got 18 specimens of 3 species of Anolis and one bird. The slight walk aggravates my haemorr. however. Dr. L. A. de Gonzaque from Lares advised me to go to that place as a good collecting ground and acc. to his information I will give up the trip on Adjuntas and Ponce for Lares-Mayaguez.

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[[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] cloudy with alternating light sprinkle of rain and sun glints. Went out collecting in the morning with about the same result as yesterday, though added one species of Anolis; Ameiva and Leptodactylus. After noon took care of them and skinned birds. Haemorr. bad!  
Night nice, cool; clearing.

[[preprinted Ther.  SUNDAY 8   Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine but clouding up in the afternoon. Owing to my haemorrh. I stayed quietly at home all day, fixing up my accounts.

Here are bed bugs, however, and plenty of them!

[[preprinted]] Ther.  MONDAY 9  Wea. [[/preprinted]] like yesterday. A trip up the ravine in the forenoon resulted only in a Todi and a hummingbird. Lizards scarce and only a few frogs obtained. [[strikethrough]] Tried [[/strikethrough]] Seeing no sign of US Telegraph office yesterday I intended to telegraph to Mayaguez whether opportunity for trip to Mona, but found out that telegraph office was abandoned after the hurricane. In the afternoon took another trip and obtained a large number of lizards. 
more bugs!