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[[preprinted]] Ther.  TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1900  Wea. [[/preprinted]] 
cloudy, followed by [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] thunderstorms and heavy rains [[strikethrough]] about l-30 pm. [[/strikethrough]][[insertion]] in the afternoon [[/insertion]]. Morning collecting trip of but scant results.  Here is no more to be done by me. I have nearly made up my mind to go home on the 16 next. The h. are getting worse and I am getting more and more depressed and distressed.  R. decided to go home April 27 if I would stay till then so promised to go with him to Adjuntas & Ponce and wrote M. accordingly.  Helped skinning.

[[preprinted]] Ther. WEDNESDAY 11  Wea. [[/preprinted]]
Heavy fog in the morning then clearing up, but at 11 light rain followed in afternoon by thunderstorms. Morning collecting like yesterdays.  In afternoon helped skinning birds. Have ordered horses for tomorrow morning at 7.

[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 12, Wea. [[/preprinted]] excellent at the start, clouding up late with occasional showers. Got off at 8 am with fair horses over a good road - the new one.  Scenery fine and everything lovely; only in one place the road bad where we had to dismount and lead the horses.  Arrived in Adjuntas at 1.50 pm, having rested about 1/2 hour half way up.  Set out at once to investigate the "lay of the land" and were overtaken by a heavy downpour and thunderstorm; so got no birds, but a number of good lizards.  Host is a Frenchman

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[[preprinted]] Ther. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1900 Wea. [[/preprinted]] fine.
The morning excursion to the coffee plantation resulted fairly well;  while R. in the afternoon skinned the birds  I went out again and got some good lizards.  Good Friday procession. Haem. getting worse. Fleas innumerable and intolerable

[[preprinted]] Ther. SATURDAY 14  Wea. [[/preprinted]] very fine.
Haem. so bad that I have to stay home in spite of the glorious weather. Judas on a horse being chased through town!  Went over the reptiles, quite a lot.  R. out alone brought in the first Vireo latimeri. Skinned birds in the afternoon.

[[preprinted]] Ther.  SUNDAY 15  Wea. [[/preprinted]] started fine in Adjuntas, became soon cloudy.  Easter celebration & [[a concert??]] at the hotel in Adjuntas.  Left that place ^[[insertion]] at 8 am [[/insertion]] in a coach with a pack horse and arrived after a fairly comfortable ride, though the upper part of the road was very bad in places, in Ponce at 12.15 pm. where we stopped at "Tropical House".  Very good.  
Music in the plaza.