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Oct. 22 [[underlined]] Halleck. Nevada [[/underlined]] - 18° [[underlined]] Perognathus [[/underlined]], 2 kinds habits same, both at one holes [[underlined]] Tamias [[/underlined]] pictus, cut off tops of Artemesia for seeds. Lepus (tex.?) bones & skull all around. no Rabbits or tracks seen - Coyotes, howl all around one seen yesterday. Found Ouzetomys dung at hole. Caught 6 Tamias pictus - Perognathus with big tail has the tail vertebra thick in middle, [[ospenis?]] short & curved. [[end page]] [[start page]] Oct. 22. Lanius excubitoroide 1. Magpie, com - Otocoris, com - " [[Ditto for: Oct]] 23 [[underlined]] 5 miles past Halleck [[/underlined]] Kingfisher 1, Magpies, abn - Ravens, a few " [[Ditto for: Oct]] 24 Meadowlark 1. Mallards 5 - Teal, com. Otocoris, com - Perognathus fasci, 3 - Onychomys 1 Brant heard -
Transcription Notes:
It is probably "ospenis", which is more correctly os penis: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/os-penis. Latin names googled and confirmed. Spelling mistakes kept. Any not sure of are in [[?]]. Best guess given
Otocosis = Otocorys alpestris = prairie horned lark