Viewing page 6 of 21

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Oct. [[/underlined]] 28 To [[underlined]] [[Catolin?]] [[/underlined]]
Sturnella 2-
Ravens - com -
Magpies " [[Ditto for: com]]

" [[Ditto for: Oct]] 29. [[underlined]] Carlin [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Divide [[/underlined]]
Caught 3 [[underlined]] Dipodops [[/underlined]]
1 Onychomys
To [[Bewawbe?]]
Anthus ludo. 1.
Otocoris 2
[[underlined]] Camped on Divide [[/underlined]]
Jack Snipe, 1 killed at spring -
Zonotrichias, a few -
Sage Grouse. 2
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Oct. 31 [[underlined]] Beowawe to Argenta [[/underlined]]
Ravens, com
Magpies " [[Ditto for: com]]
Circus 1 [[male symbol]]
Otocoris, com -
Sturnella, 1
Calaptes Cafer 1 -

Transcription Notes:
latin names checked. locality names have been checked. Bewawbe might mean Beowawe?