Viewing page 7 of 21

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Battle Mountain [[/underlined]] - 

Nov. 1. Widgen, one in river. -
Magpie, com -
Raven " [[Ditto for: com]]
Circus 2 seen -
Colaptes cafer, 1.

" [[Ditto for: Nov.]] 3 [[underlined]] At Spring [[/underlined]]
Otocoris, abn -
Melospiza ? a few - 
Longbilled Marsh wren, 1.
Rail?, heard -

" [[Ditto for: Nov.]] 4. Magpie 1.
Salpinctus 1 killed
Anthus birds - 2.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Nov. 5 [[underlined]] To Hot Springs 31 [[/underlined]]
Otocoris, abn -
Golden Eagle 1.

" [[Ditto for: Nov]] 6 [[underlined]] To Stiners Ranch - 24 [[/underlined]]

Otocoris, com -
Ravens 3.
Amphispiza, nev. com
snowed 1/2 inch -

" [[Ditto for: Nov.]] 7 [[underlined]] To. Silver Creek - 18  [[/underlined]]
PiƱon Jays, heard
R. W. Blackbirds, 40
Magpie, 1
Zonotrichias, com

Transcription Notes:
latin names and locality names checked. Bailey's errors preserved, for example Stiners Ranch prob. Steiner/Steiners Ranch.