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[[underlined]] Reese River [[/underlined]] Nov. 20 - Amphispiza 1. Tamias leucuris 1 Hesperomys 15 Tamias pictus 5 Onychomys 2 Evotomys 9 Sorex 1 Lepus sylvaticus 1 Little Perognathus 1 big " [[Ditto for: Perognathus]] 1 Bluejays, 2 seen - not taken - (Aphlecoma) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Reese River [[/underlined]], Nevada - Nov. 22. Larius borealis, an immature bird killed. Anthus ludovicianus, 5 seen, flying about camp. Sage grouse, 7 seen at a distance. Magpie 1 seen " [[Ditto for: Nov]] 24 [[underlined]] Logans up valley (8 mi.) [[/underlined]] Otocoris, com. Anthus ludo., 1. Larius, 1 Sage hens said to be com. on foot hills. Blue grouse com. in caƱons.
Transcription Notes:
latin names checked as much as possible, questions in [[?]]
Aphlecoma, mis-spelling of Aphelocoma [Scrub jay genus]