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April [[underlined]] Valentine [[/underlined]]
" [[Ditto for: April]] 11 Sturnella m. neglecta, com
Hybrid Flickers, com.
Curlew 1, flying over
Spizella monticola, com.
Juncos, com.
Parus septentronalis, a few
Falco sparverus 1.
Very warm.

" [[Ditto for: April]] 12 Driobates pubescens - 2.
Bluejays 4.
Cold morning, windy & froze a little
Otocoris 2
Quails 2
Crow Blackbird 1.
[[vertical in margin]] Kingfisher 1. [[/vertical in margin]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Apr. 14 [[underlined]] Valentine [[/underlined]]
Melospiza fasciata 1.

[[pencil half circle scribble over text]]
" [[Ditto for: Apr.]] 15 [[underlined]] To Kenedy [[/underlined]]
Melenerpes erocyphalus 1.
Colaptes cafer, about 12
" [[Ditto for: Colaptes]] auratus " [[Ditto for: about]] 12
Curlew 7.
Killdeers, 8.
Willets (?) 3.
Mallards 2 pr.
Green wing Teal 40.
Pinnated Grouse 40.
Sand Hill Cranes 1.
Redwing Blk. birds, 100
Meadowlarks 100
Crow Blk. bird 1

Transcription Notes:
Melenerpes probably misspelling of Melanerpes erythrocephalus - red headed woodpecker