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Apr. 17 [[underlined]] Wills' Ranch [[/underlined]] Speotyto 2 Rhyncophanes mccownii. 1 Turkey buzzard 1. Curlew 2, Killdeer, 6, R.w. Blk birds, 200. Sharptailed Grouse 2, Short eared Owl 1, " [[Ditto for: Apr.]] 18. [[underlined]] Kings Kennedy [[/underlined]] Marsh Hawk 2. Mallards 4, Shovelers 40. Longtail Duck 2. Sandpipers 12. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Kennedy [[/underlined]] Apr. 21. Poocǣtes g. confines 2, (7) Ammodramus S. alaudinus 1. (7) [[strikethrough]] Plover [[/strikethrough]] heard (7) Sharptailed Grouse, as com as the Pinnated. " [[Ditto for: Apr.]] 22 [[strikethrough]] Plover - heard [[/strikethrough]] Curlew in pairs Pediacetes p. campestris " [[Ditto for: Apr.]] 23 Hesperomys 13 [[Oebetodesn?]] 4 Arvicolas 3. Geomys 2 Tympanuchus americanus,
Transcription Notes:
Latin names checked when possible, questions in [[?]], misspellings preserved.