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[[margin]] May 26 [[/margin]]
Tyrannus verticalis 1 killed
Pipilo chlourous 1.
Kingfisher 2
Cat bird 1.
Hebia [[melavocephdis?]] 3.
D. aestiva abn.
Z. [[leucophras?]] 1 killed
Salpinctes com _
[[Orascaptes?]] (1?) 2 _
Falco sparverius 1.
Accipiter [[strikethrough]] pur [[/strikethrough]] velox 1
Violet swallow 3.
Sialia arctica 2 + nest of 4 blue eggs in hole in cliff.
nest of sage lark
Tringoides 1.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[margin]] May 27. [[/margin]] Helminthophila celata 1.
Parius a. sep. 3.
Catbird 1.
Sparrow Hawks 2
Spizella nest in sagebrush 4 eggs.
Colaptes cafer, nest in alder stub 6 feet. eggs 7, inc. far adv =
Sturnella - nest, in meadow. Eggs 5, fresh
Dendroeca auduboni 1.
Poorwill, heard

Transcription Notes:
I've checked latin bird names on google - anything I'm unsure of I've left in [[?]]. Kept original spelling errors as instructed. (Reviewer: Finally found worse handwriting than my brother's)