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[[margin]] May 28 [[/margin]] Robins nest with 4 eggs well insulated.
Killdeer 1.
Spirus tristis 1.

[[margin]] " [[Ditto for: May]] 29 [[/margin]] Oriole 1.
Caloptes cafer, nest in side of house.
Poorwill heard in evening
Coyotes bark " " [[Ditto for: heard in evening]]
Sparrow Hawk caught a young sparrow while

[[margin]] 30 [[/margin]]
Took meadowlarks eggs, 5
Humming bird 1 ([[?]])

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[margin]] May 31 [[/margin]] Calamospiza melanocori [[strikethrough]] aff [[/strikethrough]] a flock of about 12.
[[margin]] June 1 [[/margin]] [[underlined]] Up to Mts [[/underlined]]

curlew 2.
Hummer 1 heard.
A. egretta 1
Hummers 3
Buteo swainson 2.
Cirens 1 [[male symbol]] over pines
Falco spar. com
Sialia arctica, nest -
Sphyrapicus 1.
Juncos, in pine timber.
Camped at Steel Mill 10000 ft.