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[[margin]] June 3 [[/margin]] Went up the creek & near its source & up to timberline.
Robins com. up to timberline
Sialia arctica " " [[dittos for : up to timberline]]
[[Arthus ludovocians?]], com. in parts high up
Juncos, com.
D. auduboni, com. to timberline
[[Driotates villasus?]]  2
Zonotrichia leucopris. one in camp
C. macrolopha 3
Tamias & Porcupine  7
[[Arctourns?]] up to timberline,

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[margin]] June 4 [[/margin]] Canada Jay, com-
Z. leucophrys 2 -

[[margin]] 5. [[/margin]] up to timberline.
[[vertical in margin]] A. tridentata up to old camp. 
Fragaria, com.  Myosotis, com. in timber. [[/vertical in margin]]
Picea to the top-
Abies,  from top down into timber, mostly shrubby Juniperus communis, abn. to top.
Pyrola (?) 2 to top.
Pine to 500 ft. of top.
White Cowslip 10000 to 11000.
R. glaberimus to 11000 -
Frazeri at camp -
Viola nuttallii at camp
Primula " [[ditto for: at camp]]
Castilae " [[ditto for: at camp]]

Transcription Notes:
Bailey's e's look like c's while his c's look like e's. Sialis arctica no longer used today, I guess.