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Cape Moss runs out in a sand spit with 12-16 fms 1/4' off shore From thence to Pinnacle Rock, Coast high + bold but temporary [[anchor symbol]] everywhere. 

At Belkofsky [[anchor symbol]] soundings regular gray sand, good holding ground
Belkofsky Cape SW & the Companys shore WNW by compass 10-12 fms a very good place

Oleny Id high & peaked running out in some places in NW capes. Off sandspit & North cape temporary [[anchor symbol]]
The coast opposite is high, bold & deep close in

Lisy Id nowhere over 100 ft high rocks off the north side
narrow passage between Oleny & Lisy clear of dangers. Coast from Tonki cape to Tachilnoy very low bottom soundings gray sand & shells.

Have seen most of the rocks &c inside dotted circle, positions not certain but all there.
At Belkoffsky flood tide runs S ebb north rise abt 6 feet; HW full moon about 12 oclock. Lat 55.0.3 Lon 161.5.7
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Can pass close to Johns & Olga Rks on N side. There is a rock which breaks in heavy weather NNE by compass from NE pt Sannak Harbor 1 1/4 miles off

Transcription Notes:
Dall uses anchor symbol on several pages. Geographic names checked/verified: Cape Moss, Pinnacle Rock, Belkofsky Cape, Oleny Id, Lisy Id, Tonki Cape, Tachilnoy, Belkoffsky, Johns & Olga Rks, Sannak Harbor